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Likewise, is the ring doorbell battery operated?
Setup and design It can also replace an 8- to 24-voltwireddoorbell; the exact voltage isn't important, becauseit'smerely used to recharge the Ring's battery. If youdon'tconnect the Ring to a power source, you'll have torechargethe doorbell every few months to a year, dependingon howoften it's used.
Consequently, does ring doorbell work without battery?
The newer models of Ring Doorbell devices havetheability to not run on battery power at all. Theyarehard wired and do not require a battery. With themostadvanced features yet including customizable motion detectionzones,the Ring Doorbell Elite and Pro models donotrun on battery power at all.
Answer: If you wire it up where your existing doorbellwas, it will ring a traditional (wired) door bellinsidethe house. If you do not have it connectedthroughwiring, only the unit and your mobile devices willring. Ifyou do not have it connected through wiring,only the unitand your mobile devices will ring.