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Asked by: Ivett Amthor
religion and spirituality atheismIs there a difference between envy and jealousy?
Regarding this, is envy and jealousy the same?
The main difference between envy and jealousy isthat envy is the emotion of coveting what someone else has,while jealousy is the emotion related to fear that somethingyou have will be taken away by someone else.
Similarly, you may ask, is envy better than jealousy?
It's no fun to feel envy or jealousy because bothmake you feel inadequate. Envy is when you want what someoneelse has, but jealousy is when you're worried someone'strying to take what you have. If you want your neighbor's newconvertible, you feel envy.
Envy denotes a longing to possess somethingawarded to or achieved by another: to feel envy when afriend inherits a fortune. Jealousy, on the other hand, denotes afeeling of resentment that another has gained something that onemore rightfully deserves: to feel jealousy when a coworker receivesa promotion.