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Asked by: Antolina Jamal
technology and computing programming languagesIs there a GUI for SQLite?
Similarly one may ask, does SQLite have a GUI?
Powerful, yet light and fast, All SQLite3 and SQLite2 features wrapped within simple GUI, Cross-platform - runs on Windows 9x/2k/XP/2003/Vista/7, Linux, MacOS X and should work on other Unixes (not tested yet).
Also asked, how do I view SQLite files?
Click the File menu near the top right corner of the SQLite Database Browser window that opens and select Open Database. Browse to the location of the SQLite file you wish to read and click the file. Click the "Open" button. The SQLite file contents will display.
DB the most ideal way is to use Thumbs Viewer application. This application is accessible for 32 and 64-bit Windows desktop OS and can open Thumbs. DB, peruse its substance and fare thumbnails from it. To open DB file produced by SQLite database motor you can use either most recent form of SQLite or different devices.