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Asked by: Coman Lujauzi
style and fashion natural and organic beautyIs there a plant that smells like cat urine?
In respect to this, why does my plant smell like pee?
Some people love it, but roughly a quarter of the population likens it to the smell of manure or urine. The odor is due to indole, a chemical that's also given off by E. coli.
what kind of tree smells like cat pee?
White spruce is a conical tree with a whitish cast. Branches turn somewhat downward at the ends, but branchlets and twigs are erect. White spruce is sometimes referred to as "Cat-piss spruce" because of the strong odor of broken needles.
Of course, some of you Debbie Downers out there will insist on reminding us that the foliage of dwarf English boxwood (Buxus sempervirens 'Suffruticosa') smells like cat pee. This is indeed fitting, for as we all know, Egyptians worshiped cats.