Asked by: Boutayna Genco
food and drink world cuisines

Is there a substitute for tamarind paste?

Tamarind paste is made from the tamarindfruit. It is mostly used in Asian and Middle Eastern cookingto give a slightly sour flavour to dishes. A popularalternative is to use lime juice (or sometimes white wine orrice vinegar) mixed with an equal quantity of light brown sugar asa substitute for tamarind.

Furthermore, what tastes similar to tamarind?

  • Your best bet: Lemon or lime juice and sugar. Tamarind's flavorprofile is a mixture of sweet and sour, with the balance leaningtowards the sour.
  • A decent second choice: Mango powder.
  • In a pinch: Pomegranate molasses.
  • Other alternatives.

Furthermore, how do you make tamarind paste? How to make the recipe
  1. Clean up tamarind.
  2. Heat 3 cups of water.
  3. Soak tamarind in 1.5 to 2 cups of hot water for about 45 to 60minutes in a large bowl.
  4. If your tamarind is clean then blend it well until smooth.
  5. Mash the tamarind as much as possible and pass through a filterto a heavy bottom tall pot(no wide pan).

Also to know is, what is tamarind paste?

Tamarindpaste is from the fruit—or pods—of thetamarind tree, specifically the pulp that surroundsthe seeds within the pod.

Can I use lemon instead of tamarind?

A decent second choice: Citrus juice Tamarind fulfills that same role in Indiancuisine while also providing a fruity sweetness that youwill not get from lemon or lime juice. Even so, tartcitrus fruit can still do an effective job ofstanding in for tamarind paste.

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What do you do with tamarind?

Cooking with Tamarind. This tart tropical fruit,also known as Indian date, brings an appealing pucker to marinades,sauces, stir-fries and refreshing drinks. In the West Indies, wheretamarind also grows, it is used frequently in fruit drinks.Tamarind makes a great secret barbeque sauce and marinadeingredient.

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What is tamarind made of?

The tamarind tree is leguminous, and is part ofthe Fabaceae family. Its fruit is called an indehiscent legume,which means it doesn't open naturally at maturity, but remainsclosed. Inside the pods are a few large seeds and a sticky, tartpulp, which becomes even tarter after the pods aredried.

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What are the benefits of drinking tamarind juice?

Its Antioxidants May Boost HeartHealth
It contains polyphenols like flavonoids, some of whichcan help regulate cholesterol levels. One study in hamsters withhigh cholesterol found that tamarind fruit extract loweredtotal cholesterol, LDL ("bad") cholesterol and triglycerides ( 4).

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Is Tamarind good for weight loss?

It also has many antioxidants essential for goodhealth. Weight loss aid: Tamarind contains a compoundcalled Hydroxy Citric Acid that prevents an enzyme in your bodyfrom storing fat. So effective is tamarind inweight loss that there are many studies being conducted onit.

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Can you eat tamarind seeds?

They're certainly edible, but you might have towork for it. A Western view from Purdue CropINDEX: Tamarindseeds have been used in a limited way as emergency food. Theyare roasted, soaked to remove the seedcoat, then boiled or fried,or ground to a flour or starch.

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What is tamarind puree used for?

A couple of tablespoons of tamarind brings a sourquality to a sweet side dish like chutney. The acidity oftamarind is a perfect meat tenderizer. It is often added tomarinades to soften thick cuts of beef before they are cooked. It'salso why tamarind is a primary ingredient of Worcestershiresauce.

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How do I store tamarind for a long time?

Store unopened jars of tamarindconcentrate paste in the pantry indefinitely. Keep unopened,frozen compressed tamarind indefinitely in the freezer.Reseal jars of tamarind concentrate paste and refrigeratefor up to three months.

Marlen Onoshkin


How do you store tamarind?

After opening, store pods tightly wrapped orcapped in the refrigerator, it will stay good for at least threemonths. Simply cut off the amount you want to use with a sharp,heavy knife. Well wrapped, frozen, unsweetened tamarind pulpkeeps indefinitely in the freezer.