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Asked by: Sandrina Munusamy
technology and computing antivirus softwareIs there a way to save Sticky Notes in Windows 10?
Type %AppData%MicrosoftSticky Notes in startmenusearch box (this is the sticky notes file location)andpress Enter. Step 2. Copy StickyNotes. snt to anywhereyouthink it's safe, like an external hard drive orexternaldrive.
Also, how do I turn on sticky notes in Windows 10?
Click the Start button to display the Start Menu,andthen choose Sticky Notes. Type sticky in thesearchbox and select Sticky Notes in the result.PressWindows+R to show the Run dialog, input stikynot andtapOK.
Accordingly, how do I backup my Windows sticky notes?
How To Make A Backup Of Sticky Notes & RestoreItLater
- Type %AppData%MicrosoftSticky Notes in start menu search boxorrun and press Enter.
- Copy StickyNotes.snt to your backup folder.
- After you have copied it, if you want to delete yourexistingSticky Notes, delete the StickyNotes.snt file.
Click start - settings - apps - find stickynotes- click on it and hit advanced options and then reset.Reboot whendone, and see if they work again. If not, we'll moveforward withuninstalling/reinstalling. Open ccleaner - thenclick onTools - Uninstall, and find Microsoftstickynotes.