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Also know, what is the reactivity series of non metals?
Non-metals in the reactivityseries It is useful to place carbon and hydrogen into thereactivity series because these elements can be used toextract metals. Here is the reactivity seriesincluding carbon and hydrogen: Note that zinc and iron can bedisplaced from their oxides using carbon but not usinghydrogen.
Also to know, what is the activity series of elements?
The reactivity series is a series ofmetals, in order of reactivity from highest to lowest. It isused to determine the products of single displacement reactions,whereby metal A will replace another metal B in a solution if A ishigher in the series.
Hence potassium is more reactive thansodium. So potassium is more reactive than lithiumbecause the outer electron of a potassium atom is furtherfrom its nucleus than the outer electron of a lithiumatom. Francium atoms, with 7 shells, are the largest atoms in Group1.