Asked by: Yaniris Vedenin
science space and astronomy

Is there any sound in universe?

Space is a vacuum — so it generally doesn't carry sound waves like air does here on Earth (though some sounds do exist in outer space, we just can't hear them). But the various probes zooming through our cosmos are capable of capturing radio emissions from space objects.

Keeping this in consideration, is there sound in the universe?

Sounds of the Ancient Universe. Hear the sound file. This tone represents sound waves that traveled through the early universe, and were later "heard" by the Planck space telescope. The primordial sound waves have been translated into frequencies we can hear.

Additionally, what was the first sound in the universe? The first sound ever was the sound of the Big Bang. And, surprisingly, it doesn't really sound all that bang-like. John Cramer, a researcher at the University of Washington, has created two different renditions of what the big bang might have sounded like based on data from two different satellites.

Similarly, is it possible to hear sound in space?

No, you cannot hear any sounds in near-empty regions of space. Sound travels through the vibration of atoms and molecules in a medium (such as air or water). In space, where there is no air, sound has no way to travel.

Can you see sound waves?

We can't see these sound waves with our eyes. But we can see how they cause vibrations in things around us, just as they do in our eardrums!

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Does the Sun make noise as it burns? The surface of the Sun produces sound waves because the surface is convecting and this produces pressure waves that travel into the inner corona. But yes, the surface does produce sound waves, but they have very low wavelengths measures in hundreds of miles!

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Space is a vacuum — so it generally doesn't carry sound waves like air does here on Earth (though some sounds do exist in outer space, we just can't hear them). These radio emissions are then converted into sound waves, and the result is the spooky sounds NASA put together into a playlist.

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When astronauts return from space walks and remove their helmets, they are welcomed back with a peculiar smell. An odor that is distinct and weird: something, astronauts have described it, like "seared steak." And also: "hot metal." And also: "welding fumes." Space, Jones elaborated, smells a little like gunpowder.

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However, the Moon is in space, and space is mostly a vacuum (there are always some atoms floating around, but they are VERY far apart and don't interact with one another). Thus there is no sound on the Moon.

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Do Stars make sounds?

Stars make sounds naturally but we can't hear this as it is has to travel through space. "Like a musical instrument, stars are not uniformly solid all the way to their core, so the sound gets trapped inside the outer layers and oscillates around inside. "This makes the star vibrate causing it to expand and contract.

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Is space a vacuum?

Outer space has very low density and pressure, and is the closest physical approximation of a perfect vacuum. But no vacuum is truly perfect, not even in interstellar space, where there are still a few hydrogen atoms per cubic meter.

Livius Oyono


Is there air in space?

In space, no one can hear you scream. This is because there is no air in space – it is a vacuum. Sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum. 'Outer space' begins about 100 km above the Earth, where the shell of air around our planet disappears.

Jennefer Pan


What do the stars sound like?

The biggest stars make the lowest, deepest sounds, like tubas and double basses. Small stars have high-pitched voices, like celestial flutes. These virtuosos don't just play one "note" at a time, either — our own Sun has thousands of different sound waves bouncing around inside it at any given moment.

Valerian Cuadri


What causes sound?

Sound is caused by the simple but rapid mechanical vibrations of various elastic bodies. These when moved or struck so as to vibrate, communicate the same kind of vibrations to the auditory nerve of the ear, and are then appreciated by the mind.

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Can there be fire in space?

Recent tests aboard the International Space Station have shown that fire in space can be less predictable and potentially more lethal than it is on Earth. The flame persists because of the diffusion of oxygen, with random oxygen molecules drifting into the fire.

Bacilio Iramain


How fast does sound travel?

The speed of sound is the distance travelled per unit time by a sound wave as it propagates through an elastic medium. At 20 °C (68 °F), the speed of sound in air is about 343 metres per second (1,235 km/h; 1,125 ft/s; 767 mph; 667 kn), or a kilometre in 2.9 s or a mile in 4.7 s.

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What does the earth sound like?

Earth's Hum Sounds More Mysterious Than Ever. Earth from space. Earth gives off a relentless hum of countless notes completely imperceptible to the human ear, like a giant, exceptionally quiet symphony, but the origin of this sound remains a mystery. Now unexpected powerful tunes have been discovered in this hum.

Spiridon Wurtz


Does sound travel faster in space?

Does sound travel faster in space? Sound does not travel at all in space. The vacuum of outer space has essentially zero air. Because sound is just vibrating air, space has no air to vibrate and therefore no sound.

Shuyi Ambroise


Does sound exist?

Of course, from a scientific viewpoint, it exists. It is human beings that are able to perceive it. Since sound does not exist without our hearing of it, sound does not exist if we do not hear it. However, when a tree falls, the motion disturbs the air and sends off air waves.

Romana Deshkin


Is there sound in a vacuum?

Sound can leap across a vacuum after all. IN SPACE, no one can hear you scream. Sound waves are travelling vibrations of particles in media such as air, water or metal. So it stands to reason that they cannot travel through empty space, where there are no atoms or molecules to vibrate.

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Can you hear sound in space science buddies?

Have you ever wondered what sounds you can hear in space? The answer is simple: none! In outer space there is utter silence. There are no sounds of traffic jams or thunderstorms or crashing waves.

Yasin Pradas


How do sound waves travel?

How does sound travel? Sound waves travel at 343 m/s through the air and faster through liquids and solids. The waves transfer energy from the source of the sound, e.g. a drum, to its surroundings. Your ear detects sound waves when vibrating air particles cause your ear drum to vibrate.

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Though no trace of a working paleophone was ever found, Cros is remembered as the earliest inventor of a sound recording and reproduction machine. The first practical sound recording and reproduction device was the mechanical phonograph cylinder, invented by Thomas Edison in 1877 and patented in 1878.

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Is Om the sound of universe?

Om Is the Vibration of the Universe. Om is more than a sound, but the vibration of the universe. It is the frequency of energy that connects and joins all things together. It is not a short and sharp sound.