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Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) causes serious diseases of many economically important plants representing 35 plant families, including dicots and monocots. This wide host range of ornamentals, vegetables, and field crops is unique among plant-infecting viruses.
In this manner, how do you treat tomato wilt?
- Plant resistant varieties when available.
- Remove stricken growth from the garden and sterilize pruning clippers (one part bleach to 4 parts water) between cuts.
- Use Safer® Yard & Garden Insect Killer to control many garden insects, like cucumber beetles, which are known to spread the disease.
Also Know, what are the diseases of tomatoes?
Tomato Diseases & Disorders
- Bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) causing a rapid wilting of tomato plants.
- Early blight (Alternaria solani) on tomato foliage.
- Septoria leaf spot (Septoria lycopersici) on tomato.
- Leaf mold (Passalora fulva) on tomato foliage.
- Leaf mold (Passalora fulva) on lower leaf surface.
Symptoms include yellowing and browning of foliage stunting and wilting with some recovery at night. The first symptoms appear when fruit begins to mature. Lower leaves turn yellow, sometimes on one side of the plant or one side of a branch. This is followed by leaf and stem wilting.