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Likewise, is Tranquilness a word?
tranquil. calm, serene, composed, agreeable,gentle, unexcited, unexcitable, placid, amicable, peaceful,pacific, untroubled, unruffled, sober, quiet, reasonable, measured,lenient, even-tempered, smooth, gentle, poised, at ease,well-adjusted, patient, cool; see also calm 1, serene.
- They ate in silence then, enjoying the tranquility of mothernatures' work around them.
- Brady's tranquility steadied her, and she searched through thebox.
- Brady's tranquility steadied her, and she searched through thebox.
Correspondingly, what is the meaning of raucously?
Raucous is often used to refer to loud laughter,loud voices, or a loud party, all of which can be harsh orunpleasant. Near synonyms are strident and rowdy. This adjective isfrom Latin raucus "hoarse." Think of raucous as people whosehoarseness can't come on too soon. Definitions ofraucous.
adjective. pleasantly calm or peaceful; unruffled;tranquil; serenely quiet or undisturbed: placidwaters.