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Asked by: Jiali Mikhailovich
technology and computing desktop publishingIs upside down hyphenated?
For example, Merriam-Webster says that "upsidedown" only receives a hyphen when it's used as anadjective. If used as an adverb, however, it stays as is. Othersources either say the exact opposite or that they never gethyphens.
Also know, what is upside down?
Definition of upside down. 1 : in such a way thatthe upper and the lower parts are reversed in position. 2 : in orinto great disorder turned their world upsidedown.
One may also ask, what does an upside down 2 mean?
upside down adv. 1. So that the upper or right side is down:turned upside down. 2. In greatdisorder.
Hyphenated Compound Words One important rule of thumb to remember is thatin most cases, a compound adjective is hyphenated if placedbefore the noun it modifies, but not if placed after the noun. Thisis not a good solution for the long term.