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Asked by: Fady Kuhlein
food and drink food allergiesIs vat pasteurized milk safe during pregnancy?
No, it's not safe to drink raw (unpasteurized) milk or anything made with raw milk during pregnancy. During pasteurization, dairy products are heated to a high temperature to kill microbes that may cause disease. Because raw milk is not pasteurized, it can carry disease-causing microbes.
Considering this, what type of milk is pasteurized?
PASTEURIZED MILK PRODUCTS. Pasteurized milk products are liquid products made from milk and cream intended for use directly by consumers. This group of products includes whole milk, skim milk, standardized milk and various types of cream.
what milk is good for pregnant?
Milk is a highly recommended drink for mothers-to-be because it is rich in calcium and protein. Skim milk contains as much calcium and protein as the full cream variety, but less fat and kilojoules. If you cannot tolerate milk, try a calcium-enriched soy drink.
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