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In this manner, how does vitamin C help your skin?
As far as your skin is concerned, vitaminCis "a potent antioxidant that can neutralize freeradicals,"explains board-certified dermatologist Patricia Wexler."Because ofits antioxidant properties, vitamin C aids inyourskin's natural regeneration process, which helpsyourbody repair damaged skin cells."
Regarding this, should I use vitamin C on my face?
“Vitamin C's anti-aging,damage-repairingand UV-protecting powers make it a Holy Grailingredient.”One of Vitamin C's biggest uses is forreducing scars, spotsand other hyperpigmentation, saysdermatologist Melanie Palm.“It is used topically to fadebrown spots without alteringnormal skin pigmentation,” Palmsays.
- Step 1: Wash your face.
- Step 2: If you're a toner person, use a toner.
- Step 3: Apply Vitamin C serum.
- Step 4: Apply a moisturizer (Yes, your moisturizer shouldcomeafter your Vitamin C serum — remember the “thinnesttothickest” rule.)
- Step 5: Apply your favorite eye cream.
- Step 6: Apply a sunscreen.