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They include traditional summer crops such as snap beans, corn, cucumbers, melons, peppers, tomatoes, and squash. Warm season crops are killed by winter frosts, so don't plant them until after the last frost in spring unless you give them cold protection.
Similarly, it is asked, what are cool season crops?
Veggies That Prefer Cool Weather Many of the most common kinds have edible leaves or roots, like lettuce, carrots and onions. Others produce edible seeds, like peas and certain types of beans. And still other cool weather thrivers are artichokes, broccoli and cauliflower.
Hereof, is broccoli a cool weather crop?
Broccoli is a sun-loving, cool-season crop that is best grown in the spring or fall. Just note that excessive summer heat can cause bolting, so broccoli is best grown in the cooler spring and fall seasons.
Five Survival Tips to Keep Your Garden Cool in the Summer Heat
- Keep your containers cool and moist. Use several inches of mulch on top of the soil in your pots to maintain soil moisture and keep the temperatures of your soil low.
- Mulch! Use at least three inches deep of stones, gravel, sand, bark or even newspaper atop your beds and pots to keep your soil and roots nice and cool.