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Keeping this in consideration, how much yogurt can my dog have?
“How much yogurt you feed your dogshould be based on the ten percent treat rule. That meansyogurt should be no more than ten percent of the caloriesyour dog eats every day,” Dempseyexplains.
In respect to this, is it safe for dogs to eat yogurt?
Hazards of Feeding Dogs Yogurt Again, although yogurt is not toxic, yourdog might have trouble digesting it. Always make sure theyogurt contains no xylitol, an artificial sweetener, whichis toxic to dogs. As with all treats, feed your dog asmall amount and see how he reacts.
Add a couple spoonsful of tuna, salmon, mackeral,anchovies or another fish product to your dog's or cat'sfood. Avoid giving too much canned fish, as the salt andother preservatives can be harmful. A small amount to enticea sick pet to eat is usually ok.