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Asked by: Asunta Ydiaquez
food and drink barbecues and grillingShould ground beef be stored below Chicken?
Also question is, should ground beef be stored above or below Chicken?
If these items cannot be stored separately,store them below prepared or ready-to-eat food. Rawmeat, poultry and fish should be storedin the following top-to-bottom order in the refrigerator:whole fish, whole cuts of beef and pork, ground meatsand fish, and whole and ground poultry.
Correspondingly, why does raw meat need to be stored on the bottom shelf?
Store raw meat, poultry and seafood on thebottom shelf of the refrigerator so juices don't drip ontoother foods and cause cross-contamination. When thawing meatin the refrigerator meat should be placed on a plate or in acontainer to prevent juices from contaminating otherfoods.
"When storing raw meat and poultry in a cooler,they should be stored below other foods." Raw meat andpoultry are classified as high risk foods; foods that alloweasy growth and multiplication of bacteria. When storing rawmeat and poultry in a cooler, they should be storedseparately and below other foods.