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Also to know is, do you cut back Knock Out roses in the fall?
The ideal time to prune any type of rose is in the very late winter or early spring. They are best pruned as new growth is starting to develop. They can be pruned a little later into spring with good success. Fall is the worst time these plants should be pruned, as fall pruning can lead to winterkill.
Then, how do you care for knockout roses?
Double Knock Out roses are very easy to grow. Give the plants full sun in a garden spot with fertile, well-drained soil and space them about four feet apart to allow good air circulation. To keep the blooms coming, fertilize your Double Knock Outs after every bloom cycle with any good rose fertilizer.
Cutting Roses to the Ground That means when you cut into the stem, you are removing everything that is brown and withered, and making your cut where stems are still white and firm. Dead canes should be removed entirely at their base.