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Asked by: Coreen Farfan
food and drink healthy cooking and eatingShould I remove the stems from kale?
In this regard, is it OK to eat the stems of kale?
Soften Them Up First things first: Kale and collardstems are tough, chewy, and fibrous. While we enjoy theoccasional raw collard or kale salad, you should nevereat the stems raw. Otherwise, the exteriors will burn beforethe stems have cooked through, making them both bitter andtoo tough to chew.
In this way, what to do with stems of kale?
7 Tasty Ways to Eat Kale Stems
- Whip them into pesto. Turn those stems into a flavorful sauceto toss with pasta, dress your veggies, or spread onsandwiches.
- Blend them into juices and smoothies.
- Pickle them.
- Roast them until crispy.
- Braise them into submission.
- Stir-fry them.
- 7. Make them into salad.
Raw kale is also contains oxalic acid, whichbinds with minerals such as calcium and magnesium in the bodycausing them to crystalize. These crystals can damagetissues, cause inflammation in the body and kidney stones. So, adaily dose of raw kale and other goitrogenic vegetables maynot be such a great idea.