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In this way, what is the main difference between a lotion and a cream?
Each cream and lotion has itsownunique composition and benefits. Lotions have a higherwaterpercentage and, to put it simply, are droplets of oil mixedinwater. Lotions tend to be light-weight, non-greasy, andaremore easily absorbed into the skin.
Besides, when should I use lotion?
When to Apply Body LotionandMoisturizer Like Dr. Kaminer mentioned, it's best to applybodylotion and moisturizer immediately after exiting a bathorshower, while your skin is still damp. This helps to lock inthemost moisture. But that's not the only time you should applybodylotion and moisturizer.
Body Lotion. It would be nice to just slather on onelotionand be done with it, but body lotions shouldNEVER beapplied to your face because they're usually a lotthickerand typically contain fragrances that might irritateyourfacial skin. On your face, you should alwaysusesomething more gentle and delicate.