Asked by: Chesus Peltser
events and attractions funeral

Was Pericles assassinated?

An illustration of a bust of Pericles. Politics soon took priority over the arts for Pericles. After Ephialtes was assassinated in 461 B.C., Pericles emerged as Athens's foremost politician, and he would lead the popular assembly and the city until his death three decades later.

Similarly, what happened to Pericles?

Pericles was briefly deposed in 430, but after the Athenians' efforts to negotiate with Sparta failed, he was quickly reinstated. In 429 Pericles' two legitimate sons died of the plague. A few months later, Pericles himself succumbed. His death was, according to Thucydides, disastrous for Athens.

Furthermore, who came after Pericles? Cleon. Cleon, (died 422 bc, Amphipolis, Macedonia), the first prominent representative of the commercial class in Athenian politics, he became leader of the Athenian democracy in 429 after the death of his political enemy, Pericles.

Similarly, you may ask, what did Pericles?

Pericles, (born c. 495 bce, Athens—died 429, Athens), Athenian statesman largely responsible for the full development, in the later 5th century bce, of both the Athenian democracy and the Athenian empire, making Athens the political and cultural focus of Greece.

Why did Pericles rebuild Athens?

Pericles is perhaps most famous for his great building projects. He wanted to establish Athens as the leader of the Greek world and wanted to build an acropolis that represented the city's glory. He rebuilt many temples on the acropolis that were destroyed by the Persians.

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What plague did Pericles die from?

Typhus. In January 1999, the University of Maryland devoted their fifth annual medical conference, dedicated to notorious case histories, to the Plague of Athens. They concluded that the disease that killed the Greeks and their military and political leader, Pericles, was typhus.

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Why was it called the Golden Age of Greece?

Fifth-century Athens is the Greek city-state of Athens in the time from 480–404 BC. This was a period of Athenian political hegemony, economic growth and cultural flourishing formerly known as the Golden Age of Athens with the later part The Age of Pericles.

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How did Pericles strengthen democracy?

Pericles strengthened democracy in Athens by paying public officials. Pericles expanded the empire by building a strong naval fleet. Pericles rebuilt and beautified Athens. Athenian democracy, art, and architecture set standards that remain influential in the world today.

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How did Pericles increase the role of the poor in government?

How did Pericles increase the role of the poor in government? Pericles increased the number of public officials who were paid. As a result, even poor citizens could hold public office if chosen. Before the war, Athens was the most powerful city-state.

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What happened to Athens after they lost the war to Sparta?

A mere 10 years after Athens was defeated they rebuilt the Long Walls and secured an alliance with the Persian Empire, of all states. Only 30 years after they won the war - Sparta was crushed by Thebes. The dreams of Sparta died on the plain of Leuctra. Thebes was erased by the Macedonians.

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How was Greece governed during the Golden Age?

The Classical Period or Golden Age of Greece, from around 500 to 300 BC, has given us the great monuments, art, philosophy, architecture and literature which are the building blocks of our own civilization. The two most well known city-states during this period were the rivals: Athens and Sparta.

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What led to the golden age?

The “golden age” of Greece lasted for little more than a century but it laid the foundations of western civilization. The age began with the unlikely defeat of a vast Persian army by badly outnumbered Greeks and it ended with an inglorious and lengthy war between Athens and Sparta.

Loay Sese


How long did Pericles rule?

The period during which he led Athens, roughly from 461 to 429 BC, is sometimes known as the "Age of Pericles", though the period thus denoted can include times as early as the Persian Wars, or as late as the next century.

Montiel Giblin


Did Pericles invent democracy?

Only in ancient Athens and in the United States so far has democracy lasted for as much as two hundred years. Pericles was not the founder or inventor of democracy, but he came to its leadership only a half-century after its invention, when it was still fragile.

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What was Pericles like as a ruler?

In 461, he assumed rule of Athens—a role he would occupy until his death. During his leadership, he built the Acropolis and Parthenon and led Athens' recapture of Delphi, the siege on Samos and the invasion of Megara. In 429, he died of the plague.

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Tsvetana Munsterjohann


Who were Pericles teachers?

His teachers included the musicians Damon and Pythocleides. Pericles was also a pupil of Zeno of Elea. Zeno was famous for his logical paradoxes, such as the one in which he was said to have proven that motion can't occur. His most important teacher was Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (500-428 B.C.E.), called "Nous" ("Mind").

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Who was Pericles for kids?

Pericles was an ancient Greek statesman of Athens. Under his leadership Athens became a powerful empire and a center of education, culture, art, and democracy. His time as statesman was a golden age for Athens and is often called the “Age of Pericles.” Pericles was born about 495 bc in the city-state of Athens.

Lisandro Leitman


Why is the 5th century BCE regarded as the golden age of Athenian culture?

The 5th century BCE was a period of Athenian political hegemony, economic growth, and cultural flourishing that is sometimes referred to as the Golden Age of Athens. The latter part of this time period is often called The Age of Pericles.

Frusina Farran


Who was allowed to participate in Athenian democracy?

Male citizens in Athens could vote on all the decisions that affected the city and serve on juries. However, democracy was not open to everyone. Citizen women and children were not allowed to vote. Slaves and foreigners living in Athens (known as metics) were banned from participating in government.

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What was the impact of Pericles death?

He increased Athens' power through his use of the Delian League to form the Athenian empire and led his city through the First Peloponnesian War (460-446 BCE) and the first two years of the Second Peloponnesian War (431-404 BCE). He was still actively engaged in political life when he died of the plague in 429 BCE.

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What is a Greek city state called?

The Greek name for a city-state was "polis". Each city-state, or polis, had its own government. Some city states were monarchies ruled by kings or tyrants. Others were oligarchies ruled by a few powerful men on councils. The city of Athens invented the government of democracy and was ruled by the people for many years.

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How did Kleon die?

Killed in action

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How did the Athenian democracy fall?

In 561 BC, the nascent democracy was overthrown by the tyrant Peisistratos, but was reinstated after the expulsion of his son, Hippias, in 510. Cleisthenes issued reforms in 508 and 507 BC that undermined the domination of the aristocratic families and connected every Athenian to the city's rule.