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Asked by: Jacki Vantchurov
news and politics war and conflictsWas the Civil War the bloodiest in American history?
The Civil War was America's bloodiest conflict. The unprecedented violence of battles such as Shiloh, Antietam, Stones River, and Gettysburg shocked citizens and international observers alike. Nearly as many men died in captivity during the Civil War as were killed in the whole of the Vietnam War.
Subsequently, one may also ask, what was the bloodiest war in American history?
the Civil War
Considering this, was the American Civil War the bloodiest war in history?
The US Civil War was incontrovertibly the bloodiest, most devastating conflict in American history, and it remains unknown - and unknowable - exactly how many men died in Union and Confederate uniform. Now, it appears a long-held estimate of the war's death toll could have undercounted the dead by as many as 130,000.
Approximately 620,000 soldiers died from combat, accident, starvation, and disease during the Civil War.