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Likewise, people ask, which came first Zune vs iPod?
The first Zune was released in 2006, five yearsafter the iPod's release. The Zune HD came outin 2009, two years after the iPod Touch went on sale. TheZune HD didn't do that. Its design marked it as beingdifferent from an iPod, but that was pretty much the onlydifference.
Accordingly, can you still use a Zune?
Although Microsoft will "retire" Zuneservices on Nov. 15, the company says Zune devices willstill work, and anything saved to them will be playable.You'll also be able to transfer music to and from yourZune. But you won't be able to stream or downloadsongs from the Zune service.
The truth is there is no difference, at least infunctionality. An iPod is an MP3 player. WheniPod made its debut it was just like every other MP3player on the market; except it was designed by and for Maclovers. The iPod was designed to work with Apple's alreadyexisting music organizer program called iTunes.