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Herein, what age is Uno suitable for?
The rules of the game simple and you can even adopt themto your ideas of playing. We prefer to play with 6 cards and if youdo not have a card you take new ones till you get a right colour oranimal. 5.0 out of 5 starsFantastic game for all the family ! Loveuno , east to play no matter what yourage.
Similarly, what is UNO game?
Each player begins with a hand of 7 Uno cards. Toplay, match one of your cards with the card that's been dealt. Thefirst player to get rid off all of their cards wins the round. Thenall players tally up their scores. The game continues untilone person scores 500 points.
When you have one card left, you mustyell "UNO" (meaning one). Failure to do thisresults in you having to pick two cards from the DRAW pile.A player who forgets to say UNO before his card touches thediscard pile, but "catches" himself before any other player catcheshim, is safe and is not subject to the penalty.