Asked by: Bouziane Turkington
travel australia and oceania travel

What airport do you fly to for Bora Bora?

To get Bora Bora flights you must firstflyinto French Polynesia's Faa'a InternationalAirport, atPapeete, on the main island of Tahiti. United,Air New Zealand, AirTahiti Nui, Air France, French Bee, LAN andHawaiian Airlinesall fly into Tahiti. From Papeete,Air Tahiti flies to47 island air-strips.

Then, does Bora Bora have an airport?

Bora Bora Airport (IATA: BOB, ICAO: NTTB),alsoknown as Motu Mute Airport, is an airport servingtheisland of Bora Bora in French Polynesia. It is locatedonthe islet of Motu Mute. A boat transfer is necessary togetto the main island of Bora Bora.

Likewise, how do you travel to Bora Bora? The first step in getting to Bora Boraisflying into the capital city of Papeete in Tahiti, viaAirTahiti Nui, Hawaiian Airlines or Air France. FlightsfromLAX will take 8 hours and if you're taking another airlineintoLAX, leave yourself at least 3 hours transfer time.HawaiianAirlines flys out of Terminal 2.

Keeping this in view, how much does it cost to fly to Bora Bora?

Getting to Bora Bora (BOB) from the west coastofthe U.S. (most flights originate in Los Angeles (LAX)andfly via Tahiti (PPT) costs an averageof$2,500 per person for a return economy class ticket or $4,500 forareturn business class ticket, plus another $300 or more fortheflight onward from Tahiti.

Can you fly to Bora Bora from UK?

Flights to Bora Bora from the UKtakearound 31 hours, with two or three stops in places such asNewYork, Los Angeles and Tahiti. Bora Bora's airport is onthenearby islet of Motu Mute, and Bora Bora is just ashortboat ride away.

Related Question Answers

Gurvinder Chiquito


What language is spoken in Bora Bora?

The main languages that are spoken inBoraBora are French and Tahitian. English is also spokeninmany hotels, resorts, markets, and touristlocations.

Saludina Durrant


How safe is Bora Bora?

Even though Bora Bora is anexceptionallysafe place for travelers to visit, there may bea small riskof petty crime, so you'll want to protect and concealyourvaluables. Still, it's best to steer clear of them, as wellasBora Bora's stingrays and barracudas.

Maryse Sunondo


How long is the flight from US to Bora Bora?

Flying time from United States toBoraBora
The total flight duration from UnitedStatesto Bora Bora is 10 hours,50minutes.

Josie Alferaki


Do you need a passport to go to Bora Bora?

Travelers can enter Bora Bora for 90 dayseverysix months without a visa. Passports must be valid foratleast three months and proof of onward travel mayberequired.

Naomi Yachou


When should you visit Bora Bora?

Best Times to Visit Bora Bora. The best timestogo to Bora Bora are November and April. These shortshoulderseasons offer fine weather with temperatures in the mid-70stomid-80s. High season runs from May to October when rain showersareisolated and the number of tourists swells.

Gadiel Pica


How far is Bora Bora from Hawaii?

The calculation of flight time is based on thestraightline distance from Bora Bora to Hawaii("asthe crow flies"), which is about 2,615 miles or 4208kilometers.

Makhan Gameira


How far is Bora Bora from LAX?

Flight time from Bora Bora to LosAngelesis 9 hours 55 minutes. Distance from BoraBora toLos Angeles is approximately 6620kilometers.

Yasuko Daniells


How long does it take to get to Bora Bora from Florida?

Flying time from Florida toBoraBora
The total flight duration from Florida toBoraBora is 11 hours, 41 minutes.

Ionut Astigarraga


Leyi Llanes


Which is better Maldives or Bora Bora?

The Maldives vs BoraBora:Accessibility
The Maldives is more readily accessiblefromEurope and Africa than Bora Bora is, but if you arebased inthe United States then Bora Bora is thebetteroption. Both Bora Bora and the Maldivesinvolvefurther travel from the internationalairport.

Ragnar Halevy


Where did the Kardashians stay in Bora Bora?

While the entire family stayed inTahiti'ssignature overwater bungalows, Kris and Bruce Jenner andKimKardashian and Kris Humphries enjoyed HiltonBoraBora Nui Resort & Spa's two $5,000-a-nightPresidentialvillas, the only two-story overwater villas inFrenchPolynesia.

Magne Lil


Are there sharks in Bora Bora?

Types Of Sharks In Bora Bora
Mainly, the sharks in Bora Bora arenotdangerous. They live under the green lagoons and are used tothepresence of people. The most common type you'll see isBlacktipreef sharks.

Jasbir Salenga


Can you live in Bora Bora?

Bora Bora is consists of three villages withapopulation of about 9,000 permanent residents. Most ofBoraBora residents live in flat coastal strip thatcirclesthe main island. There's only one main road whichskirtsaround the shore lines.

Layla Frechilla


What are the houses in Bora Bora called?

7 Best Bora Bora Overwater Bungalow ResortsForHoneymoons
  • 1.1 Le Taha'a Island Resort and Spa.
  • 1.2 Sofitel Bora Bora Marara Private Island Resort.
  • 1.3 Le Meridien Resort – Bora Bora.
  • 1.4 Conrad Bora Bora Nui.
  • 1.5 InterContinental Bora Bora Resort and Thalasso Spa.
  • 1.6 St Regis Resort Bora Bora.
  • 1.7 Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora.

Mervin Larrauri


How far is Bora Bora from NYC?

Distance from Bora Bora to New Yorkisapproximately 10220 kilometers.

Shamshad Luders


How far is the flight from Atlanta to Bora Bora?

Flight time from Atlanta, GA toBoraBora is 13 hours 32 minutes. DistancefromAtlanta, GA to Bora Bora is approximately9040kilometers.

Aleksandra Biederstadt


What is there to see in Bora Bora?

Here are 7 Awesome things to do in Bora Bora,FrenchPolynesia
  • Snorkeling. The clear waters and exciting wildlifemakesnorkeling a must do activity when in Bora Bora.
  • Scuba Diving.
  • Dinner on the Beach.
  • Dolphin & Whale Watching.
  • Sunset Cruise.
  • 4WD Tour.
  • Climb Mount Pahia.

Zihara Milewski


What is the currency of Bora Bora?

French Pacific franc

Akhtar Santoro


What food is Bora Bora known for?

Many dishes also include chicken, pork, sweetpotatoes,breadfruit, rice, local fruit and vegetables such aspapaya,mangoes, pineapples, bananas and fafa, which is a type ofspinach.Banana or papaya purees known as po'e are the mostpopulardessert served on the island.