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Asked by: Roald Gahmen
business and finance manufacturing industryWhat allowed for the introduction of the assembly line?
Subsequently, one may also ask, what was the assembly line used for?
The principle of an assembly line is thateachworker is assigned one very specific task, which he or shesimplyrepeats, and then the process moves to the next worker whodoes hisor her task, until the task is completed and the product ismade.It is a way to mass produce goods quicklyandefficiently.
In this regard, who invented the assembly line and what purpose does it serve?
Ford's assembly line starts rolling. On thisdayin 1913, Henry Ford installs the first moving assemblylinefor the mass production of an entire automobile.Hisinnovation reduced the time it took to build a car from morethan12 hours to two hours and 30 minutes.
An assembly line is a manufacturingprocessin which interchangeable parts are added to a product inasequential manner to create an end product. The workersandmachinery used to produce the item are stationary alongtheline and the product moves through the cycle, from starttofinish.