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Asked by: Krassimir Foncillas
medical health bone and joint conditionsWhat animal has the most ribs?
Considering this, which organism has largest number of ribs?
Snakes have the maximum number of ribs. Onanaverage they have 200 to 400 bones (Vertibrae ) and each haveapair of ribs on either side. Hope this answersyourquestian.
Similarly, you may ask, what animal has no ribs?
Other animals Not all species possess both types ofrib,with the dorsal ribs being most commonlyabsent.Sharks, for example, have no dorsal ribs, andonlyvery short ventral ribs, while lampreys have noribsat all.
The human rib cage is made up of 12pairedrib bones; each are symmetrically paired on a rightand leftside. Of all 24 ribs, the first seven pairs areoftenlabeled as 'true.' These bones are connected to thecostalcartilage, while the five other 'false' sets arenot.