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Asked by: Mariah Jordon
religion and spirituality buddhismWhat are Buddhist monks not allowed to do?
Why do Buddhist monks reject the idea ofmoney?Practicing Buddhists make five promises –notto lie, not to steal, not to engage insexualmisconduct, not to harm any living creature andnotto take intoxicating substances which leadtocarelessness.
Also asked, what are the rules of Buddhist monks?
Monastic life
- Refrain from harming living beings.
- Refrain from taking that which is not freely given.
- Refrain from sexual misconduct.
- Refrain from wrong speech; such as lying, idlechatter,malicious gossip or harsh speech.
- Refrain from intoxicating drink and drugs which leadtocarelessness.
can Buddhist monks marry?
Monastics in Japan are particularly exceptional intheBuddhist tradition because the monks and nunscanmarry after receiving their higher ordination. SomeKoreanmonks live with wives in theirmonasteries.
u) is an ordainedmalemonastic ("monk") in Buddhism. Male andfemalemonastics ("nun", bhikkhuni, Sanskrit bhik?u?ī) aremembers ofthe Buddhist community. The lives of allBuddhistmonastics are governed by a set of rulescalled theprātimok?a or pātimokkha.