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Asked by: Ametsa Haanrath
business and finance green solutionsWhat are causes of river pollution how can it be prevented?
Keep trash and waste out of rivers in order tokeep drinking water sources safe. 2. Clean up riversthat have a lot of trash in and around them. If you notice a lot ofdumping going on in and around rivers in your area, it's nottoo late to prevent full-on pollution of these watersources.
Consequently, what are the main causes of river pollution?
5 major causes of water pollution
- Domestic sewage. These wastes are generated from householdactivities.
- Industrial wastewater. These are wastewater generated throughindustrial processing.
- Agricultural waste. These include pesticide, chemicalfertilizer, manure, etc.
- Acid rain.
- Global warming.
Also know, what are the main causes of pollution in rivers of India how can we prevent this kind of pollution?
Following are some other important reasons of increasinglevels of water pollution in India:
- Industrial waste.
- Improper practices in agricultural sector.
- Reduction in water quantity in rivers in plains.
- Social and religious practices like dumping dead bodies inwater, bathing, throwing waste in water.
- Oil leaks from ships.
Humans are the main cause of waterpollution, which is triggered in many ways: by the dumping ofindustrial waste; due to temperature rise, that cause thealteration of water by reducing the oxygen in itscomposition; Or due to deforestation, which causes sedimentsand bacteria to appear under the soil and therefore