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Asked by: Donnie Santesmases
food and drink vegetarian dietsWhat are chestnut mushrooms good for?
Consequently, why are chestnut mushrooms good for you?
Nutritional benefits They also contain B vitamins as well as a powerful antioxidant called selenium, which helps to support the immune system and prevent damage to cells and tissues. When they are grown, whether indoor or outdoor, they are exposed to UV light which increases their concentration of vitamin D.
Hereof, are chestnut mushrooms better than white?
Chestnut Mushrooms. A Chestnut Mushroom is the same mushroom as White Button Mushrooms, but it is a strain that grows just a bit browner instead of white, giving it a tan-coloured top. They are very much like Cremini Mushrooms and about the same size. They have better flavour and texture than the plain white mushrooms.
Chestnut mushrooms are served raw or cooked. They are very versatile and can be included in salads, pasta dishes, sauces, quiches, casseroles, soups and omelettes. All mushrooms should be washed and dried with a kitchen towel before use. Leave the mushrooms whole or slice as necessary.