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Asked by: Yaneris Azparren
technology and computing computer networkingWhat are Classful IP addresses?
Also to know is, what is Classful and classless IP address?
Govt. Certified Router Support Professional. Classfuland Classless Routing. Classless addressing uses atwo-part view of IP addresses, and classfuladdressing has a three-part view. With classful addressing,the address always has an 8-, 16-, or 24-bit network field,based on the Class A, B, and C addressing rules.
Subsequently, one may also ask, what is a 192.168 IP address? is the beginning of the private IPaddress range that includes all IP addresses through192.168.255.255. This IP address is used because therouter is on the network. In the same way,routers on the network are usually assigned thelocal, private IP address of192.168.0.1.
Networks using the TCP/IP protocol route messagesbased on the IP address of the destination. RecommendedReading: Learn more about the TCP/IP protocol. An IPaddress consists of 32 bits, often shown as 4octets of numbers from 0-255 represented in decimalform instead of binary form.