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Asked by: Ekiñe Pliska
technology and computing computer peripheralsWhat are computer expansion cards?
An expansion card is an electroniccard/board that is used to add extra functionality to acomputer. It is inserted into an expansion slot onthe motherboard of a computer. Many different classes ofexpansion card are available, including sound cards,video graphics cards, network cards and soon.
Correspondingly, what are examples of expansion cards?
Types of expansion cards in a computer
- Interface card (ATA, Bluetooth, EIDE, FireWire, IDE, parallel,RAID, SCSI, serial, and USB).
- Modem.
- MPEG Decoder.
- Network Card.
- Sound Card.
- Video capture card.
- Video Card.
Hereof, what are the 3 types of expansion slots?
In this picture, there are three different types ofexpansion slots: PCI Express, PCI, andAGP.
In fact, AGP stands for Accelerated GraphicsPort. Older PCs may sport this expansion slot, butthe best video cards use PCI Express. ISA: The mostancient type of expansion slot is the ISA, which stands for(get this) Industry Standard Architecture.