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Asked by: Flavius Schinkler
business and finance business operationsWhat are detailed processes and procedures?
Accordingly, what are processes and procedures?
A process is a series of related tasks ormethodsthat together turn inputs into outputs. A procedureis aprescribed way of undertaking a process or part ofaprocess. So, to make it easier, you can look atthedifference between a process and a procedureas“what” versus “how.”
Similarly, what is a procedure guide?
Your office procedure manual containsyourcompany's best practices that define your systematic approachtoimplementing business policy expectations, plans, and workroutines— also known as procedures. What's the purposeof aprocedure manual? It can achieve a number of benefitsforyour organization.
Licensed from GettyImages. noun. The definitionofprocedure is order of the steps to be taken tomakesomething happen, or how something is done. An example ofaprocedure is cracking eggs into a bowl and beating thembeforescrambling them in a pan.