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Hereof, what is included in a dictionary entry?
A boldface letter or a combination of such letters,including punctuation marks and diacritics where needed, that isset flush with the left-hand margin of each column of type is amain entry or entry word.
Correspondingly, what is a main entry in a dictionary?
the principal entry of an item in a referencetext, often placed in alphabetical order. Library Science. theprincipal, complete entry of an item in a catalog orbibliography, giving full information on the item, often includingits location, and the form by which the item is to be consistentlyidentified and cited.
A dictionary, sometimes known as a wordbook, is acollection of words in one or more specific languages, oftenarranged alphabetically (or by radical and stroke for ideographiclanguages), which may include information on definitions,usage, etymologies, pronunciations, translation, etc. or a book ofwords in one