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Similarly, what is EMS in supply chain?
Blockchain for the EMS (Electronics ManufacturingServices) Supply Chain. EMS providers are inserted intheir customers' supply chains (between their partssuppliers and their distribution system), which means theirprocesses are often multi-party (supplier, EMS, and customerplus logistics companies).
Likewise, what is ODM product?
An original design manufacturer (ODM) is acompany which designs and manufactures a product which isspecified and eventually branded by another firm for sale. Suchcompanies allow the brand firm to produce (either as a supplementor solely) without having to engage in the organization or runningof a factory.
CEMs are companies that makeproducts under contract for other companies. They typically takeon, wholly or partially, the manufacturing responsibilityfor OEMs in sectors like industrial, defence, oil and gas, test andmeasurement, computing, instrumentation, communications andtransportation.