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Asked by: Lies Aizpurua
home and garden indoor environmental qualityWhat are fluorocarbons examples?
Accordingly, what are fluorocarbons used for?
fluorocarbons (FCS) Organic compounds containing fluorine and carbon. Similar to the hydrocarbons in molecular structure, FCS are used in the manufacture of some aerosol propellants, coolants, refrigerants, oils and greases, synthetic polymers, etc.
Subsequently, question is, what do you mean by fluorocarbons?
Definition of fluorocarbon. : any of various chemically inert compounds containing carbon and fluorine used chiefly as lubricants, refrigerants, nonstick coatings, and formerly aerosol propellants and in making resins and plastics also : chlorofluorocarbon.
RESOURCES. Health Hazard Summary: The most common effect of overexposure to fluorocarbons is irritation of the skin. Fluorocarbons can also affect your nervous system, causing symptoms similar to drunkenness.