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Asked by: Hongyu Jaurrieta
books and literature fictionWhat are important events in To Kill a Mockingbird?
Major Events
- Scout and Jem found items in the knot hole of the Radley's tree.
- Jem, Scout and Dill went to Boo Radley's.
- Miss Maudie's house burnt down.
- Atticus shot Tim Johnson's dog, revealing to Scout and Jem that he had the deadest shot in Maycomb County.
- Cal takes Jem and Scout to church.
- Jem cut up all of Mrs.
- Mrs.
Then, what is the most important scene in To Kill a Mockingbird?
Part of the power of To Kill A Mockingbird is its many dramatic scenes, so it is difficult to pick which is the most significant. In my opinion, however, the most important scene in the novel—and the one that delivers the strongest emotional punch—occurs when Atticus walks out of the courtroom.
Also Know, what are the symbols in To Kill a Mockingbird?
Terms in this set (16)
- Mockingbird. Only do good things for society, so hurting or killing one is a sin, represents Boo and Tom and maybe Atticus, but it is more likely that he is just the one who said it.
- Camellias. courage, forgiveness.
- Knothole (and its contents)
- Tom Robinson.
- Red geraniums.
- Boo Radley.
- Atticus.
- Blanket.
To Kill a Mockingbird Major Event Timeline
- June 1st 1935. Tom Robinson is accused of raping Mayella Ewell.
- March 31st 1935. The finch children are attacked by Bob Ewell and Boo Radley is revealed as their savior.
- July 1st 1934.
- September 10th 1933.
- September 5th 1935.
- October 25th 1935.
- December 22nd 1934.
- July 26th 1935.