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Asked by: Mirna Alegria
music and audio reggaeWhat are Parrandas and what main instruments people use?
Parrandas are the Puerto Rican version of caroling. It is marked by singing traditional Puerto Rican music called Aguinaldos (Christmas Songs) and using traditional instruments, including Guitars and Cuatros, tambourines, maracas, palitos, and guiros.
Simply so, what are the typical instruments used during Asaltos?
These are the most common musical instruments that almost anybody can play in a parranda:
- PANDERETA : The tambourine.
- GÜIRO : It is a hollow gourd with parallel notches cut in one side.
Secondly, what instruments do Puerto Ricans use?
Musical Instruments. Today, Puerto Rican musicians use stringed instruments such as the violin and cello, and from the brass family, the trumpet, trombone, and saxophone are very popular, as well as several others.
Puerto Ricans are known for their unforgettable "parrandas or trullas navideñas". A parranda is when a small group of friends gathers together to "asaltar" or surprise another friend.