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Asked by: Cherilyn Hervieu
family and relationships special needs kidsWhat are passive prostheses?
Just so, how are passive and active prosthetic devices the same?
Active full hand prostheses areforindividuals with a limb difference at the wrist or aboveandinclude externally powered devices which mean theirabilityto move comes from a battery. Passivefunctionalprostheses do not have any electronic ormechanically movingparts.
Beside above, what are the different types of prosthetics?
There are Four Main Types of ArtificialLimbs.These include the transtibial, transfemoral, transradial,andtranshumeral prostheses. The type ofprosthesisdepends on what part of the limb is missing. Atransradialprosthesis is an artificial limb thatreplaces an armmissing below the elbow.
A transhumeral prosthesis helps to replacethefunction of a missing anatomical segment(s) from below theshoulderto (and including) the hand.