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Asked by: Nedka Salete
business and finance marketing and advertisingWhat are prices like in a perfectly competitive market?
Consequently, how price is determined in a perfectly competitive market?
In a perfectly competitive market, equilibrium price of the product is determined through a process of interaction between the aggregate or market demand and the aggregate or market supply. That is why this price is called the equilibrium price.
Also to know, what is an example of a perfectly competitive market?
Agricultural markets are examples of nearly perfect competition as well. Imagine shopping at your local farmers' market: there are numerous farmers, selling the same fruits, vegetables and herbs. You can easily find out the prices for the goods, but they are usually all about the same.
The housing market is not a perfectly competitive market as it fails to fulfil the necessary characteristics of a perfectly competitive market. Firstly, in a perfectly competitive market, all the products are homogeneous, meaning they are all identical.