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Asked by: Rameez Weingarten
technology and computing information and network securityWhat are some ethical issues and dilemmas related to computers and electronic communication?
In this manner, what are the ethical problems related to computers?
To begin with, it seems that there are four big areas of computer ethics. They are "(1) computer crime; (2) responsibility for computer failure; (3) protection of computer property, records, and software; and (4) privacy of the company, workers, and customers”.
Likewise, people ask, what are the 6 ethical problems in relation to the use of computers?
A. Security problems with which an organization may have to deal include: responsible decision-making, confidentiality, privacy, piracy, fraud & misuse, liability, copyright, trade secrets, and sabotage.
The 5 Biggest Ethical Issues Facing Businesses
- Accounting. “Cooking the books” and otherwise conducting unethical accounting practices is a serious problem, especially in publicly traded companies.
- Social Media.
- Harassment and Discrimination.
- Health and Safety.
- Technology/Privacy.