Asked by: Daphine Genaro
technology and computing computer networking

What are switch ports?

Switch ports are layer 2 interfaces which areusedto carry layer 2 traffic. A single switch port cancarrysingle VLAN traffic whether it is an access port ortrunkport. Frames are handled differently according to thetype oflink they are traversing.

Furthermore, what is the use of trunk port in switch?

A trunk port is a port that is assignedtocarry traffic for all the VLANs that are accessible by aspecificswitch, a process known as trunking.Trunkports mark frames with unique identifying tags –either802.1Q tags or Inter-Switch Link (ISL) tags – astheymove between switches.

Likewise, what is the uplink port on a switch used for? An uplink port is a special port(i.e.,connector) on a network switch or hub that reversesthetransmit and receive circuits of any twisted pair cableconnectedto it. It is also referred to as an MDI (mediumdependentinterface) port. Uplink ports eliminate theneed forcrossover cables.

Considering this, what is an access port?

An "access port"isa type of connection on a switch that is used to connect aguestvirtual machine that is VLAN unaware. This portprovides thevirtual machine with connectivity through a switch thatis VLANaware without requiring it to support VLANtagging.

What is difference between trunk and access port?

This link specifically shows the accessportconfiguration. As for the difference between TrunksandAccess ports, a trunk does add dot1q or ISLtagsdirectly to frames and can exist on all or multiple vlans.While anaccess port only passes traffic from a set vlan butdoes notmodify the frame with a vlan tag.

Related Question Answers

Joselina Hofheinz


What is the difference between an access port vs a trunk port?

An access port sends and receives untaggedframes(i.e. all frames are in the same VLAN), while atrunkport supports tagged frames and thus allows to switchmultipleVLANs.

Yonghong Perlmutter


How does a trunk port work?

A trunk port is a port that is assignedtocarry traffic for all the VLANs that are accessible by aspecificswitch, a process known as trunking. Trunkports markframes with unique identifying tags – either802.1Q tags orInter-Switch Link (ISL) tags – as they movebetweenswitches.

Joslyn Meruelo


What is 802.1 Q trunking?

IEEE 802.1Q (sometimes referred to as 1Q orDOT1Q)is a industry standards based implementation of carringtraffic formultiple VLANs on a single trunking interfacebetween twoEthernet switches. 802.1Q is for Ethernetnetworks only.Unlike ISL, 802.1Q does not encapsulate theoriginal Ethernetframe.

Fallou Hugle


How many VLAN can be configured on a single port?

2 Answers. Often, a given device has a hardware limitofe.g. 512 VLANs. With 802.1q tagging, the absolute limitis4,094 (the tag is 12 bit in size and VIDs 0 and 4,095arereserved).

Licer Griffiths


What is trunking used for?

Trunking is a technique used indatacommunications transmission systems to provide many userswithaccess to a network by sharing multiple lines or frequencies.Asthe name implies, the system is like a tree with one trunk andmanybranches.

Nikolinka Breger


What is access mode and trunk mode?

1)An access port transports traffic to andfromonly the specified VLAN allotted to it whereas a trunkportis a port that is assigned to carry traffic for all the. VLANsthatare accessible by a specific switch, a processknownas.

Jacqulyn Hatero


What does trunk mean in networking?

A trunk is a communications line or linkdesignedto carry multiple signals simultaneously to providenetworkaccess between two points. Trunks typicallyconnectswitching centers in a communications system. The signalscanconvey any type of communications data.

Ilena Akka


What does the Switchport command do?

switchport mode access - Always forces thatportto be an access port with no VLAN tagging allowed EXCEPT forthevoice vlan. DTP is not used and a trunk will never beformed.switchport mode dynamic auto - allows the port tonegotiateDTP if the other side is set to trunk ordesirable.

Abdon Savit


What is a VLAN port?

A Port VLAN ID (pvid) is a default VLANIDthat is assigned to an access port to designate thevirtualLAN segment to which this port is connected. Also, ifatrunk port has not been configured with anyVLANmemberships, the virtual switch's Port VLAN ID(pvid)becomes the default VLAN ID for theportsconnection.

Soufiane Gatashov


What is router on a stick Cisco?

Router-on-a-stick is a term frequently usedtodescribe a setup up that consists of a router andswitchconnected using one Ethernet link configured as an 802.1qtrunklink. In this setup, the switch is configured with multipleVLANsand the router performs all routing betweenthedifferent networks/VLANs.

Soletat Salaman


What is port speed?

A router's modem speed is the speedatwhich it communicates with a modem, while its port speedisthe speed at which it communicates with the clients onitslocal network. Both speeds can act asperformance-limitingfactors, potentially slowing internal andexternaltraffic.

Kassoum Himmighoffen


Faride Gaeta


Can an access port have multiple VLANs?

If you want TWO VLANs to be accessible onthatport, you can configure it as a trunk and assignbothVLANs to the port and the downstream devicewillneed to be able to make use of VLANtagging.Additionally, you can set the "native" VLANon theport so that it will also still acceptuntaggedtraffic.

Kyung Privorotsky


What is the default VLAN on an access port?

In the case of Cisco switches (and most otherVendors),the Default VLAN is usually VLAN 1.Typically, thisVLAN is only relevant on an Accessport, which is aport that sends and expects to receivetraffic without aVLAN tag (also referred to an 'untaggedport' byother vendors).

Fayez Villasanta


What is VLAN in networking?

A virtual LAN (VLAN) is any broadcast domainthatis partitioned and isolated in a computer network atthedata link layer (OSI layer 2). VLANs allownetworkadministrators to group hosts together even if thehosts are notdirectly connected to the same networkswitch.

Rubiela Koole


What is untagged VLAN?

the untagged vlan also called nativevlanis an 802.1Q concept that enables a vlan notgetting taggedon a 8021.q trunk link for backward compatibilitywith devices not802.1Q aware.When a switch receives a frame on atrunk link with notag it categorizes this frame as part of thenative vlanthat was configured on the

Barbra Roebuck


Does it matter which port I use on a switch?

Actually, on certain types of switches itDOESmatter. The switch has a single "uplink"portthat connects to a router.

Otis Pramath


What is an uplink switch?

The uplink port on switch is usedtoconnect a device or smaller local network to a larger network,orconnect to the next “higher” device in thetopology.Also in computer network, hub, unmanaged switch androutertypically designate one Ethernet port as theuplinkport.

Kassim Segura


How many ports does a switch have?

basically switches comes 8 ports,12ports, 16 ports, 24 ports, 28ports.Basically switches have two category managedand unmanagedswitch, as per the need of the customerallports are avaible as mention on first.