Asked by: Eneko Villodres
events and attractions birthday

What are the 12 months of the year in French?

These are the months in French: janvier (January), février (February), mars (March), avril (April), mai (May), juin (June), juillet (July), août (August), septembre (Septembre), octobre (October), november (November), décembre (December).

Also question is, what are the seasons in French?

1 – How to Say the Seasons in French

  • Le printemps: spring.
  • L'été (m): summer.
  • L'automne (m): fall.
  • L'hiver (m): winter.

Secondly, what are the 5 seasons? The Chinese believe there are five seasons - Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer (the four we commonly talk about) and Late Summer. Behind each of the seasons there is an elemental energy; the Five Elements - Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood actually creating each of them.

Correspondingly, what are the 12 months of the year in Spanish?

Words for the months are very similar in English and Spanish thanks to their common heritage:

  • enero — January.
  • febrero — February.
  • marzo — March.
  • abril — April.
  • mayo — May.
  • junio — June.
  • julio — July.
  • agosto — August.

What's your name in French?

To ask someone their name, a stranger or someone older than you, ask, "Comment vous appelez-vous?". When asking someone your own age, it's "Comment tu t'appelles?" To answer, say "Je m'appelle" + Your Name.

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Does Paris have 4 seasons?

Paris experiences mostly mild weather across four distinct seasons. Average daily highs range from 46°F (8°C) in the winter to 77°F (25°C) at the height of summer. Extreme cold or heat are pretty rare, but rain is not.

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Does France have winter?

Winter in France: the calendar
For meteorologists and many French people, Winter runs from approximately 1 December to the beginning of March. Although most of December officially belongs to Autumn, the last month of the year is often thought to be part of Winter because cold and snow occur throughout the country.

Bridgette Quattelbaum


What are the French Colours?

The most common colors in French
  • red – rouge.
  • yellow – jaune.
  • blue – bleu/bleue.
  • green – vert/verte.
  • orange – orange.
  • white – blanc/blanche.
  • black – noir/noire.
  • gray – gris/grise.

Wisdom Jungesblut


What is the months of the year in French?

These are the months in French: janvier (January), février (February), mars (March), avril (April), mai (May), juin (June), juillet (July), août (August), septembre (Septembre), octobre (October), november (November), décembre (December).

Ingo Mollerfrerich


How do you say Four Seasons in French?

How to say the 4 seasons in French
  1. L'été summer.
  2. L'automne. autumn.
  3. L'hiver. winter.
  4. Le printemps. spring.

Rozalina Yue


What is the main weather in France?

France generally enjoys cool winters and mild summers except along the Mediterranean where mild winters and hot summers are the norm. Average winter temperatures range from 32° F to 46° F and average summer temperatures from 61° F to 75° F. For the most warmth and sunshine go to the south of the country.

Soulayman Coves


Is Domingo a Spanish name?

Spanish: from a personal name (Latin Dominicus meaning 'of the Lord', from dominus 'lord', 'master'). This was borne by a Spanish saint (1170–1221) who founded the Dominican order of friars and whose fame added greatly to the popularity of the name, already well established because of its symbolic value.

Shahbaz Mujdabaev


What is the Spanish word for months?

If you want to say the wordmonths” in Spanish, you would say “meses” or “los meses.” In the singular, the wordmonth” would be “mes” or “el mes.” Need the names of the individual months?

Lichun Fontinhas


What month does ENE mean in Spanish?

1. ( month) a. January. El cumpleaños de mi madre es el primero de enero.My mother's birthday is January first.

Junior Boschken


What is the number 12 in Spanish?

Basic Cardinal Number Forms
Numeral Spanish
11 once
12 doce
13 trece
14 catorce

Ariam Parafita


What month is ago in English?

The Months in Spanish
Spanish English
enero January
febrero February
marzo March
abril April

Eliud Offroy


What months are in summer in Spanish?

How to say the Months in Spanish
English Spanish
6 June junio
7 July julio
8 August agosto
9 September septiembre

Talal Kirchner


How do you say the number 13 in Spanish?

Print a set of Spanish color word dominoes; each tile has numbers on it in Spanish and symbols 0 through 6 (cero, uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis).

Number English (pronunciation) Spanish (pronunciation)
13 thirteen (THIR-teen) trece (treh-seh)
14 fourteen (FOR-teen) catorce (ca-TOR-say)

Unai Wieprecht


What is your favorite month?

Gallup asked 1,000 Americans about their favorite month. May came in first, with October running a close second. June and December tied for third, with July and April tied for fifth. In a grave injustice, Americans ranked the winter months of January and February dead last.

Carmella Burnett


What are the Spanish colors?

Further on in this lesson we will look at the pronunciation of these and more Spanish colors.
  • Anaranjado - Orange.
  • Amarillo - Yellow.
  • Azul - Blue.
  • Rojo - Red.
  • Verde - Green.
  • Negro - Black.
  • Marrón, Café - Brown.
  • Rosado - Pink.

Feliza Moore


Do you pronounce the T in aout?

The noun “août” when used by itself is rather easy to pronounce: Dismiss the A. Dismiss the accent (if any). Do pronounce the final T.

Idania Altamura


How do you tell time in French?

To tell a time on the hour in French, use il est + [number] + heure(s). For example: il est deux heures (it is two o'clock). Note: When it is one o'clock, say: il est une heure (it is one o'clock), using the feminine singular une instead of un because the word heure (hour) is feminine.

Eyre Ramsay


How do you say numbers in French?

How to pronounce French numbers
  1. Zéro - 0.
  2. Un - 1.
  3. Deux - 2.
  4. Trois - 3.
  5. Quatre - 4.
  6. Cinq - 5.
  7. Six - 6.
  8. Sept - 7.

Danish Bortolotti


How do you spell February?

Spelling of February: February is spelled F-e-b-r-u-a-r-y. The “f” should always be capitalized because it is the name of a month. Definition of February: February is the second month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars; it is the month immediately after January, which is the first month of the year.