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- Tropical rainforests have four layers:
- Emergent Layer. These giant trees thrust above thedensecanopy layer and have huge mushroom-shaped crowns.
- Canopy Layer. The broad, irregular crowns of thesetreesform a tight, continuous canopy 60 to 90 feet abovetheground.
- Understory.
- Forest Floor.
- Soil and Nutrient Recycling.
Similarly, what are the five layers of the rainforest?
Primary tropical rainforest is verticallydividedinto at least five layers: the overstory, the canopy,theunderstory, the shrub layer, and the forest floor.Eachlayer has its own unique plant and animalspeciesinteracting with the ecosystem around them.
Subsequently, question is, what are the layers of the forest called?
The layers of a typicalrainforest There are 4 major layers including: TheEmergentLayer (A): This layer is very sunny becauseit is thevery top and only the tallest trees reach this level. Itis alsoknown as the overstory.
Layers of a Rainforest. The tallest trees aretheemergents, towering as much as 200 feet above the forest floorwithtrunks that measure up to 16 feet around.