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There are four main types of fossils, allformed in a different way, which are conducive to preservingdifferent types of organisms. These are mold fossils,cast fossils, trace fossils and true formfossils.
Moreover, what are the 5 different types of fossils?
Five types of fossils: (a) insect preserved inamber, (b) petrified wood (permineralization), (c) cast and mold ofa clam shell, (d) pyritized ammonite, and (e) compressionfossil of a fern.
Keeping this in consideration, what is the types of fossils?
The four types of fossils are:
- mold fossils (a fossilized impression made in the substrate - anegative image of the organism)
- cast fossils (formed when a mold is filled in)
- trace fossils = ichnofossils (fossilized nests, gastroliths,burrows, footprints, etc.)
Fossilization is the process by which a plant or animalbecomes a fossil. This process is extremely rare and only asmall fraction of the plants and animals that have lived in thepast 600 million years are preserved as fossils. This causesthe fossilized remains to be incomplete representations ofthe living animal.