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In respect to this, what are the benefits of planting?
Plants filter pollutants, absorb carbon dioxide,releaseoxygen and help fight soil erosion. Planting a treeor twowill also help reduce your carbon footprint. Trees provideshadefrom the hot summer sun to help keep your home cooler.Whenpositioned properly, trees can help cut energy costsallyear.
Similarly, you may ask, what are the benefits of having a skill in planting trees?
Trees provide a multitude of benefits,bothlong and short term. As well as beingattractiveaesthetically, they remove and store carbon from theatmosphere,slow heavy rain and so reduce the risk of flooding,enhance airquality and improve the urban heat island effect byreflectingsunlight and providing shade.
The Benefits of Trees
- Clean air: Trees produce oxygen, interceptairborneparticulates, and reduce smog, enhancing a community'srespiratoryhealth.
- Climate change: Trees sequester carbon (CO2), reducingtheoverall concentration of greenhouse gases in theatmosphere.
- Energy conservation: