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Basic Data Types
- Integer. An integer number, from -2147483648 to2147483647.
- Double or Real. A floating-point value, for instance,3.14.
- String. Any textual data (a single character or an arbitrarystring).
- Boolean. A value that is either True , or False .
- Date/Time. A value that stores a date, time or both date andtime.
- Object.
- Variant.
Beside this, what are the types of data types?
Common data types include:
- integers.
- booleans.
- characters.
- floating-point numbers.
- alphanumeric strings.
- Primary data types: These are fundamental data types in Cnamely integer( int ), floating point( float ), character( char )and void .
- Derived data types: Derived data types are nothing but primarydatatypes but a little twisted or grouped together like array,stucture, union and pointer.
Then, what are the two basic types of data?
Understanding Qualitative, Quantitative, Attribute,Discrete, and Continuous Data Types
- At the highest level, two kinds of data exist: quantitative andqualitative.
- There are two types of quantitative data, which is alsoreferred to as numeric data: continuous and discrete.
Computers use many different types of data storedin digital format, such as text, numbers and multimedia.Data are organized in database tables, and databasemanagement systems are used to work with large databases. A properunderstanding of data allows you to organize it into usefulinformation.