Asked by: Charlsie Schopflin
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What are the definite articles in German?

The definite articles in German refer to specific persons, objects, ideas…etc. and they are : der, die, das, die (plural) they all mean the expression “the” in English, der is used for masculine nouns, die is used for feminine nouns, das is used for neuter nouns, and finally die used also for plural nouns.

Similarly, what are definite and indefinite articles in German?

The definite article is 'the' and the indefinite article is 'a/an'. In German, there are different forms of the definite and indefinite articles depending on the gender of the noun, whether it is singular or plural, and the case the noun is occupying in the sentence.

Also, what does Article mean in German? In German, “ the” is not just one word. The short defining word before the noun is really part of the noun. It is called an article. Define it …. You may not have learned this at school, but in English the word “the” is called a definite article.

Correspondingly, how many definite articles are there in German?

Der, Die, and Das A definite article (der Definitartikel) is that tiny word in English we refer to as "the." In German, we have three: der, die, das. As in English, they are also placed before the noun (or their modifying adjectives). In German, however, each of the definite articles has a gender.

What is dative in German?

The dative case, also known as dative object or indirect object, is the person or thing receiving the indirect action of a verb. In German grammar, the dative case is marked by changing articles and noun endings. We use the dative case after certain verbs and prepositions.

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What are the four indefinite articles?

The Spanish indefinite articles are: un, una, unos, and unas, which are possible translations of the English articles 'an' or 'a' in singular, or 'some' or 'a few' in plural.

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How are definite articles used in German?

The definite articles in German refer to specific persons, objects, ideas…etc. and they are : der, die, das, die (plural) they all mean the expression “the” in English, der is used for masculine nouns, die is used for feminine nouns, das is used for neuter nouns, and finally die used also for plural nouns.

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What is accusative in German?

German Accusative. The German accusative is used for the direct object of a sentence. The direct object is a person, animal or thing the action of the sentence is happening to, or being acted upon.

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What are German cases?

The four German cases are the nominative, genitive, dative, and accusative. You can think of these as the equivalent of the subject, possessive, indirect object, and direct object in English.

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What are demonstrative pronouns in German?

Demonstrative pronoun. The pronouns dieser and jener are inflected in the same way. In German, the demonstrative adjectives (der, die, das), and (dieser, diese, dieses) with the noun dropped are used as demonstrative pronouns with the exception that the dative plural of the first group, der, as a pronoun becomes denen.

Angelito Bazuelo


What is the difference between an indefinite article and a definite article?

When To Use Definite vs. Indefinite Articles. Articles are a unique type of adjectives that indicate which noun (person, place, or thing) you're talking about. The only definite article in English is the, and it refers to a specific noun. Indefinite articles (a or an) refer to nouns more generally.

Jacquetta Birkhofen


What is genitive in German?

The German genitive case is the case that shows possession and is expressed in English by the possessive "of" or an apostrophe ('s). The genitive is used more in written German and is hardly used in spoken language. In spoken, everyday German, von plus the dative often replaces the genitive.

Tamisha Pals


What gender is einen?

Indefinite article
Masculine Feminine
Nominative ein eine
Accusative einen eine
Dative einem einer
Genitive eines einer

Allegra Schick


Is Ein neuter in German?

Ein basically means "one" and like the definite article, it indicates the gender of the noun it goes with (eine or ein). For a feminine noun, only eine can be used (in the nominative case). For masculine or neuter nouns, only ein is correct.

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Is auf dative or accusative?

Usage notes
Auf is a Wechselpräposition, meaning that it is used with accusative case when the verb shows movement from one place to another, whereas it is used with dative case when the verb shows location.

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Is Stadt masculine or feminine?

Considering the nouns with which we have come into contact so far for example, a name is masculine in German (der Name), a city is feminine (die Stadt), whereas the word for a country is neuter (das Land). Overall, about 45% of German nouns are masculine, 35% are feminine and 20% are neuter.

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What is definite and indefinite noun?

Articles are used before nouns or noun equivalents and are a type of adjective. The definite article (the) is used before a noun to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader. The indefinite article (a, an) is used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known.

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Is beer a plural?

"Beer," as a type of drink, is always singular (e.g. "The beer they brew is the best." "There is some beer left in that keg."). However, when we say "beer" and mean "a bottle/can of beer," then this noun takes the normal plural form: 1 beer, 3 beers, 5 beers.

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Is Freund masculine or feminine?

There are two different words for friend in German: Freund is masculine and Freundin is feminine. When talking about more than one female friend, use the plural Freundinnen. When talking about more than one male friend or male and female friends together, then use the plural form Freunde.

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What is dative and accusative in German?

The accusative case is for direct objects. The direct object is the person or thing that receives the action. So in “the girl kicks the ball”, “the ball” is the direct object. The dative case is for indirect objects. The indirect object is the person or thing who “gets” the direct object.

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What is the noun form of die?

noun, plural dies for 1, 2, 4, dice for 3.

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Is Der in German masculine?

The three gender markers that mean the (singular) in German are der (masculine), die (feminine), and das (neuter). The plural form of the definite article is die. English has only one gender marker for the definite article of all nouns, namely the.

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How can I learn German at home?

Just remember these important steps:
  1. Find your Big Why for learning German.
  2. Immerse yourself in the German language by creating a Mini-Germany in your home.
  3. Make smart use of language hacks.
  4. Use conversational connectors to sound fluent and buy yourself time.
  5. Speak from day one – especially with native speakers.

Landelina Sernandez


What is the mean of DARE?

English Language Learners Definition of dare
(Entry 1 of 2) : to have enough courage or confidence to do something : to not be too afraid to do something. : to do (something that is difficult or that people are usually afraid to do) : to tell (someone) to do something especially as a way of showing courage.