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Asked by: Zosima Nallet
pets veterinary medicineWhat are the different types of animal husbandry?
- Dairy Farming.
- Poultry Farming.
- Fish Farming (Pisciculture)
- Bee Farming (Apiculture)
- Dairy Products.
- Meat.
- Land Management.
- Fibre.
Similarly, it is asked, what is animal husbandry and types?
Animal husbandry is the agricultural practice of breeding and raising livestock. It involves raising cattle and other animals to provide meat, milk, eggs, wool, and leather. This book studies in detail various types of animal husbandry including grazing, intensive pig farming, and sheep husbandry.
- Beekeeping.
- Dog breeding.
- Farming.
- Horse breeding.
- Pig farming.
- Raising cattle.
- Sheep farming.
Additionally, what are the branches of animal husbandry?
Dairy, Meat, Poultry, Aquaculture and Insects are some of the branches of Animal husbandry. Therefore, practising of this occupation is worldwide. Environmental Impact and Animal welfare are two effects of Animal husbandry. Animal husbandry is also livestock of animals.
Livestock. Livestock, farm animals, with the exception of poultry. In Western countries the category encompasses primarily cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, horses, donkeys, and mules; other animals, such as buffalo, oxen, llamas, or camels, may predominate in the agriculture of other areas.