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Asked by: Ebru Kleinschmidt
hobbies and interests paintingWhat are the different types of white?
Colors often considered "shades of white"includecream, eggshell, ivory, Navajo white,andvanilla.
Beside this, how many different shades of white are there?
Well, according to Kevin, the paint store helper, thereare– and I am just approximating here – 493 – 494ifyou include Whitish White (which, in addition to beinganactual color, also accurately describes most of mydancemoves).
Keeping this in consideration, what is the most popular white paint?
Among interior designers, Simply White isthemost popular white paint color fromBenjaminMoore.
- 1) Cloud Nine, Benjamin Moore.
- 2) Snow Day, Clare.
- 3) Pure White, Sherwin Williams.
- 4) White Dove, Benjamin Moore.
- 5) Simply White, Benjamin Moore.
- 6) Chantilly Lace, Benjamin Moore.
- 7) Chalk White, Benjamin Moore.
- 8) Snow Leopard, Portola.