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Asked by: Willem Hillairet
hobbies and interests woodworkingWhat are the dimensions of metal roofing?
Regarding this, what is the standard width of metal roofing?
Metal roofing comes in 24 and36-inchwidemeasurements. However, each of thesewidthsalsoprovides for 2-inch overlap on both sides. Youcanpurchasemetal roofing material in any length you needandhave itcut to the appropriate length before youinstallit.
how do you measure for metal roofing?
Divide the width of the section by the widthofthepanel you are figuring to get the numberofpanels.Specify the panel lengths, to thehalf-inch.Measureeach panel getting shorter every Xacross(replace X withthe width of your panel). You will needtofigure onepanel of each length to coverthetriangulararea.
Asphaltshingles are the cheapest roofing materialat $70 to$160per square. Standard styles of metal andconcrete arealsolow-priced options.